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to start with, lately i feel as if im being rather talkative whenever i'm around my friends. i came to realize, i never ran out of anecdotes and stories about anything under the sun and i dont think i stop talking. weird, because to almost everyone else, im really the quiete-and-shy type of person. with that in mind, i thought of writing down other things that is not so obvious to most of the people around me. heregoes:
10 things you dont know about me
1. i have a serious bout of inferiority complex. i lack self confidence. i dont really believe in myself. believe that? its true.
2. my most prized corporate possession is an orange little frog that rests on top of every pc (at work) that i had used. this little fella, "froggy", for lack of any other name i could associate with it serves as my sidekick for every job that i had so far.
3. i'm musically ignorant coz im a passive listener. i dont know usher or beyonce. i dont care about their music. i wont even recognize them on the television. much more would i know any of their songs. all this because i just listen to whatever comes my way.to me listening is different from most people i know.in my case, music is something that just comes and then go into thin air. that means that i dont remember the title or the artist or the album or anything about most of the song i "encounter". i just listen to them, ask me the chorus or any part of the lyrics after a minute or so and i tell you, i wont be able to remember. that's how hopeless i am when it comes to music.
4. i find it hard to throw away my trash. i am the kind of person who keeps the smallest peice of paper that i had used on my bag instead of throwing them in the bin. my wallet is usually full with old receipts, old pictures, old atm cards that i can not seem to get rid of. my inbox is full of year old messages that i can not delete unless maybe if i'll close my eyes. my local drives are full of back up files that would stay there unless when windows force me to delete some. my notebooks are full of pages with useless doodles and wasted space that will never be torn.
5. i have this thing with the phonebook entries on my cell phone. i keep a standard on how the contact name should appear and i have a tendency to check the records repeatedly fearing that one entry may violate my sacred rules. what do i get from that stupid habit? nothing. but i do it nonetheless.
6. i like blog hopping. and reading other people's personal messages, comments, thoughts and the works. for me it is a way to really get to know a person. it's impossible to know what's going on in another person's mind at a given time. so even a glimpse of that, i would appreciate.
7. i'm a self confessed morning rush addict. yep, its kinda jologs. but listening to dell and chico's top ten something's every single day usually brings a big grin on my face on my way to work in the morning. and that in the middle of ayala morning traffic jam is really something, dont you think?
8. whenever someone (usually my close friends and relatives) are leaving for another country, i ask for a mickey mouse key chain for pasalubong. and i always look forward for it when they come back. i has become a habbit. :)
9. i like to write. i'd like to think that i have a knack for writing feature articles. and i have developed this irritating habbit of being gramatically conscious. lately, i always find myself checking the grammar of everything i happen to be reading. would you believe that i even noted that upon checking harry potter and the halfblood prince has 9 typographical errors in it? hahaha, geeky, ryt? anyway, i like writing stuff out of my head.
10. i dont want people calling me gracia (paging marco and aby). i hate it. i prefer to be called grace, grays or gracie would be even better (mas malambing). and whenever i have to write my name on paper... i would never ever be caught writing "grace dela Peña" - clearly, that's somebody else like a news caster on ch7. it should always be "maria grace dela peña". and definitely, i wont forgive anyone who will call me maria grace. be it written or spoken. i just care so much about how people name me that i think it's hilarious.
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